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We are a design led studio that values relationships with our clients and relishes the opportunity to unlock every projects potential through a rigorous creative design process. We work across a range of scales from master planning to public realm and large scale commercial to private residential. Typical design stages are outlined below but given that every project is different, we can tailor our offering accordingly. 

Initial briefing and scope development

Typically we will meet in person to discuss the project parameters, aspirations and budget. From here, we will develop up the brief and fee offering tailored to the project requirements. 

Depending on the scale of project and what information is available, we can carry out a site measure to determine boundaries and site features in order to get things underway.  

Concept design

Initial concept drawings will be produced for discussion and review. These will typically consist of a series of plans, diagrams and sketches that will be workshopped with you to ensure the design is heading in the right direction. Depending on your project scale and scope, things can either move into detailed design or might require further design evolution and development for approval (developed design). 

Developed design

Once the concept is approved the design may go into a more developed design stage depending on scale and complexity. This is where more technical design information is prepared including indicative details, levels and more detailed exploration of plant species and materiality for approval. 

Detailed design

Detailed design documentation is where the conceptual design ideas get turned into detailed technical drawings to enable the contractor to build the design accurately. They are also used to gain tighter cost estimates and are generally accompanied by a landscape specification. Detailed drawings will comply to NZ Standards and meet local authority requirements as well as be fully coordinated with the wider project teams documentation. We can also assist  with the tendering process.

Construction observation

We like to be there while the job is getting done to ensure quality control and to manage the contract. It typically involves working closely with the contractors to resolve issues on site as they arise and feeding information and progress reports back to the client.

Master planning

We are often asked to input into the high level visioning of larger projects and developments. Consideration of cultural, historical and community values need to be carefully balanced with the design considerations that impact environmental conditions and the sustainability of natural resources. 

We enjoy collaborating with project teams in order to fully explore the opportunities of each site. We are well versed in working alongside multiple consultant parties including traffic planners, architects, ecologists, engineers and archaeologists to name a few.

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